
Thank you. I do not check individual sites like I used to. Too darn busy. The more eyes the better!

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Are there many "Novids" left in the world? How many of us are suffering from LONG-COVID and don't realize it...because we are suffering from LONG-COVID! Will IQ and SATs and...productivity suffer? In ten years, what will we have lost? Will we know what we've lost?

And -- what, in the current "shrug" political and economic climate -- can be done about it?


a somewhat isolated and always-masking-indoors elderly person with plenty of health problems -- and considerable stress and concern.

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There are probably around 5-13% left. When I initialize my model I assume 90% have been infected at least once. I am still a Novid. There are already indications of declining test scores sadly. I would NOT send my children to school. Check this out: https://x.com/surf4children/status/1831691115302392051?s=12&t=lCm4qGhU3pQ-e_5qSSthVA

If you are awake at night and have an X account I cohost a space about every other day and answer many questions from long haulers. I am @jlerollblues

Once politics and public health merged we were screwed. Our PSA is waking up many MD's from around the world. I have gotten contacted by scores.

Stay, I know personally, it does suck getting old.

Take care,


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Dr. Eastman...If you see this, check out Raleigh, North Carolina


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What's up with Toronto?


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I just looked at this. Holy Smokes! My first thought was no way. I need to go look at the site in more detail. I would like to know what part of coronavirus they target (N1, N2, E, etc) for their measurements. I still have trouble believing that.

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Some of these wastewater data are extremely noisy making what you do incredibly challenging.

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